M a n c h i t a 's B i o

Name: Manchita Danashiana

Name Meaning: Manchita means "Little Spot" in Spanish. Her last name is completley made up.

Date of Birth: July 17th.

Age: Around 15. She's quite young for a Road Rover.

From:Vieques, Puerto Rico. (Vieques is a small island off of Puerto Rico)

Physical Traits: Manchita is around 5'4 tall, and weighs about 116 pounds. She has long legs, and floppy ears, but her most noticiable trait is her long braids, which extend to her legs. Manchita also has a small black spot that covers her right eye and part of her right ear, thus her name "Little Spot"

History:Much of Manchita's history is currently unknown by the Road Rovers, but she was discovered on a Rover mission by Kameka, who thought she was one of the Cano-Sapiens that came from the future with her, long ago(check Kameka's Bio for more info on this). At the time, Manchita was captured by Parvo, and before the Rovers rescued her, she was very close to be turned into one of Parvo's cano-mutants. Anyway, it turned out she wasn't one of the future Rovers, but despite that, she and Kameka became close friends. She stayed around RRHQ for a while, and despite her young age, she was later turned into a full Road Rover.

Powers: Kameka can shoot atom looking things out of the palm of her hand, and it sure does look like those pig-tails of hers could be dangourous! =P

Personality: Manchita is kind, fun, and sweet, but has a definate rough side to her. Being a tomboy and a passionate, she's out there to kick some booty. If she's not on your side, you gotta watch out! She's also much of a trouble maker.

Hobbies: Making trouble with Kameka, Rover missions, and just hanging around. She also is a fan of cartoons ;).

Rover Buddies: Kameka, Colleen, Hunter, Blitz(yep! Blitz!), Exile, Shag, and especially Muzzle ^^.

Personal Quote: "BRING IT ON!"(Umm.. no. Not that stupid movie o.o)

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